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Terms of use

Domain Name Registration Agreement


    The user agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is concluded between ADVANCED HOSTERS B.V., Lierseschans 12 Unit 2A1 3432 ET Nieuwegein, Netherlands (hereinafter referred to as “AHNames”) and You, i.e. personally by You as a user or the person on whose behalf You legally act (hereinafter referred to as the “User” or “You”).

    The Agreement includes the main conditions for the use, and purchase of products and services provided by AHNames, including those available for ordering on the AHNames.com website (hereinafter referred to as the “Services” and the “Site”, respectively), regulates the legal relationship between AHNames and You. By using Services, registering on Site, paying for Services or refusing Services, You acknowledge the obligation to comply with the Agreement.


    By registering on Site or ordering, using, or paying for Services, You confirm that You have reached the age of 18, or it is legally established that You have the right to accept the terms and comply with the Agreement and deposit payments.

    If the above conditions are not proper, do not register on Site or do not use Services. Otherwise, AHNames is not responsible for any adverse consequences.

    If You act on behalf of another person, company, or organization, You warrant that You are an authorized representative of such person, company, or organization to use Site and Services.

    In the context of the Agreement, the term “User” also means clients, end users, and persons who use Your services and resources in any form.

    You also confirm that You have the necessary rights, permissions, and powers to share with AHNames all information necessary to provide Services.

    Suppose AHNames becomes aware that You do not have the rights, permissions, or authority to act on behalf of another person, company or organization. In that case, You will be personally liable, including payment of penalties, damages, and liabilities provided for in the Agreement and applicable law.


    To use Site and Services, You create an account (personal webpage-account, where information about You, Services You use, and actions You take) is collected and stored.

    You guarantee that You provide accurate, complete information about Yourself, Your company, organization (if applicable) following the requirements of the registration forms (registration, contact information, information for Whois) both at the registration stage and subsequently during the use of Site or Services, at the request of AHNames.

    You warrant that You will provide information about updating data about Yourself, your company, your organization (if applicable), and AHNames, to maintain such information’s relevance, completeness, and accuracy. Updates are provided in the shortest time possible, but no later than 96 hours from the updated date.

    AHNames is not liable for any damages or losses since AHNames relies on the authenticity, relevance, and completeness of documents and information that it considers received from You.

    AHNames reserves the right (but does not assume any obligation) to require You to verify the authenticity, completeness of documents, information or authority.

    You agree to provide AHNames with copies of identification documents or other documents, information if necessary for verification at the request of AHNames in the shortest time possible, but no later than 72 hours.

    If AHNames, at its sole discretion, has reason to believe that accounts (or domains associated with such an account) contain false (incomplete, incorrect) information, such accounts (domains) may be blocked until reliable (complete and correct) information about the owner of the account/domain names.

    AHNames may send You requests for data or documents related to investigations by law enforcement, other authorized bodies or other legally significant procedures. You agree to provide comprehensive responses to such requests and to comply with the requirements specified in such requests. AHNames has the right to provide information about You, Your account, domain name and information related to the provision of Services to the competent government authorities and in response to requests.

    The Whois Protect service serves to hide the actual data of the domain name owner to protect the owner from unwanted mailing lists, calls, and other forms of advertising carried out against the will of the domain name owner. However, You agree not to use Whois Protect as a front for the activity that violates the Agreement or applicable law.


    You are fully legally responsible for all actions that will be legally or illegally carried out using Your account, domains by You or third parties.

    You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your password, other information related to the security of Your account, payments, etc. AHNames reserves the right to force password changes if necessary for security purposes.

    You must immediately (within no more than 6 hours) notify AHNames of any unauthorized or suspicious use of Your account or any other breach of security.

    You agree that despite all the security measures AHNames implements, incidents may nevertheless occur related to illegal actions of third parties, including, but not limited to, hacker attacks, viruses, and malicious software. In the event of such incidents, AHNames will take all reasonable steps to notify You of the occurrence, and You agree that AHNames shall not be liable for damages or losses that may occur due to such incidents.

    AHNames will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide access to Site and Services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AHNames reserves the right to modify, change or discontinue any aspect of Site or Service without your notice or consent. From time to time, AHNames may offer new Services (including limiting the functionality of previously available Services or adding new features to existing Services).

    You agree that from time to time, Site may be unavailable or disabled fully or partly for any reason, and AHNames shall not be liable to You or any third party in connection therewith.

    You acknowledge and agree that third parties engaged by AHNames may provide Services.

    Without the prior written consent of AHNames, You will not resell or provide Services for commercial purposes, including technology related to AHNames.

    You acknowledge that AHNames may periodically call or contact You in any way available to discuss Your account or all activities that are carried out using the account, Services may record conversations with You. You will be informed about such recording and its purposes.

    You agree to pay promptly the fees associated with Services purchased or received on Site. All payments are non-refundable unless expressly stated otherwise by AHNames. AHNames reserves the right to change the pricing policy, the cost of a particular service, and the procedure for paying for it at any time, and such changes will be published on Site and will take effect immediately without prior notice and Agreement with You, unless otherwise expressly stated.

    Site and Services may contain links to third-party websites beyond the control of AHNames. AHNames is not responsible for the Content or practices of any third-party websites. AHNames does not review or edit the Content of third-party websites. By using Site or Services available on this Site, You release AHNames from any and all liability (including damages and penalties payment) arising from your use of any third-party website. Accordingly, AHNames advises You to keep this in mind when You leave Site or Services on this Site and browse third-party websites.

    Using Services, You may upload, store, publish, reproduce, distribute or otherwise use information, text, photographs, videos, works, links and other Content (hereinafter referred to as the “Content”), including the Content that You use or third parties using Your website, domain.

    You are solely responsible (including payment of damages) for the Content and use of the Content and any actions that are carried out concerning the Content through Your website or a web resource. You warrant to AHNames that You have all appropriate rights to use the Content and that You will take all necessary steps to ensure that the Content is legally available on Your website, that the Content does not violate applicable law, and that its use does not violate the rights of third parties.

    The User who uses the AHNames Website or Services is solely responsible for compliance with the jurisdiction laws for which his website, web resource, goods, services, or Content is available.

    You acknowledge that You are solely responsible for providing and organizing the storage of backup copies of the Content if You consider it necessary.

    AHNames does not represent and cannot guarantee that the Content complies with the requirements of all countries and jurisdictions.

    As a rule, AHNames does not check the Content or the users’ websites and is not responsible for their Content or the consequences of their use. However, You agree that AHNames may (but is not obligated to) periodically check (if possible) and take appropriate action in case of any indication of a violation of the Agreement or applicable law.

    AHNames makes every effort to provide Services solely to carry out lawful activities.  Based on this, the User is prohibited from using Services (domains, websites) to carry out any illegal activity, in particular for the purposes (by):

    1. Distribution of illegal pornography, including but not limited to child pornography (including through sites that use images and videos that look like / give the impression of / child pornography even though the model is an adult (18 years old or more))
    2. Distribution of any information, photo, or video materials that encourage, propagate, directly or indirectly call for war, military action, justify war and/or military action, any violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states
    3. Distribution of any information that encourages, propagandizes, incites national, racial or religious hatred, all types of chauvinism, as well as information that constitutes incitement, appeal, justification or encouragement of any discrimination, hostility or violence, cruelty to animals or destruction, damage property
    4. Distributing or making available materials (Content, torrent trackers, online cinemas, etc.) that infringes the intellectual property rights of any person, including but not limited to the copyright, related rights, trademark rights, patent rights, commercially sensitive information of any person
    5. Distribution or promotion of information, materials, goods, and services in violation of the rights to the trademark (logo, name, name) of a third party
    6. Illegal mass mailing or advertising (spam, etc.)
    7. Distribution of malware, codecs, etc. 
    8. Realization of actions, the purpose of which is to seize control (elevate privileges) over a remote/local computing system, or its destabilization, denial of service, or similar goals
    9. Illegal acquisition of personal information and hacking attempts (phishing, fraud, etc.)
    10. Distribution of information in violation of privacy rights and confidentiality obligations
    11. Advocacy for the use of drugs or other illegal substances, including instructions for their manufacture
    12. Creation, distribution of scripts and/or software for automated account creation and automated reporting
    13. Spreading false or misleading information, including disinformation campaigns
    14. Distribution of information about suicide and self-harm that is intended to shock or engage in such activities, as well as distribution of materials that encourages dangerous or illegal activities
    15. Trafficking in human beings, organs, and human biological materials for donation;
    16. Promoting and distributing prohibited or restricted goods, services, or goods, services, including, but not limited to, illegally obtained financial information, explosives/weapons, endangered species, prescription drugs, counterfeit documents or money, etc. 
    17. Forging the signatures or other identity elements of any person or engaging in activities designed to deceive others as to the User’s identity;
    18. Using or distributing traffic forwarding software or any kind of proxy server
    19. Causing damage to AHNames or Users of Services or Site;
    20. Fraud, as well as activities that require obtaining prior authorizations or licenses without such authorizations or licenses;
    21. Carrying out any other illegal activity or activity related to violations of the rights of third parties in the territory of any of the countries.

    AHNames reserves the right to immediately suspend and/or terminate Your use of Services, block Your account due to the violation of the Agreement or the applicable law of the relevant jurisdiction or for any other reason with or without notice to You.

    AHNames reserves the right (but is not obliged) independently and at its own discretion to identify the Content or actions of the User that violate the Agreement’s terms.

    Prior to the suspension or complete termination of Your use of the Service, AHNames may, but is not obligated to, work with You to try to remedy violations of the Agreement or the applicable law of a particular jurisdiction, as well as to ensure that such a violation is not repeated, to offer other options for resolving the violation. However, AHNames reserves the right to suspend or terminate the provision of Services to You in the future, even if such attempts have been made.

    If AHNames suspends and/or terminates your use of Services due to a violation, You may request a refund of the funds remaining in Your account. However, AHNames reserves the right to refuse to refund such funds to You until further resolution of the situation arising from the violation of the Agreement.

    AHNames has the right to terminate the provision of Services (including blocking a domain or account) within 24-72 hours after sending a notification to the User, or a shorter period if the reason is an illegal activity using Services. Furthermore, AHNames has the right to terminate the provision of Services (including blocking a domain or account) immediately and without prior notice, including, but not exclusively, to stop infringements.

    AHNames (its executive officers and contractors) are not responsible for:

    1. the use of Your account and Your website and all actions that are carried out through it by You or unauthorized third parties
    2. third-party actions
    3. consequences of unauthorized use of AHNames resources by third parties
    4. any malicious software that may transmit from/to Site
    5. User Content that violates the Agreement or the applicable law of a particular jurisdiction

    You confirm that You will take all actions to avoid causing damage to AHNames from any claims, demands, or obligations that are related to:

    1. Your use of Site or Services
    2. violation by You of any term of the Agreement or policies, regulations, applicable law of a particular jurisdiction
    3. Your violation of the rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights or other rights.

    The Agreement does not replace or establish alternative regulations for ICANN’s rules, policies and procedures. Accordingly, ICANN policies, rules and procedures must be followed when providing Services. If there are inconsistencies between ICANN’s rules and procedures and the Agreement, ICANN’s rules and procedures shall prevail.

    You agree to comply with all applicable laws of the particular jurisdiction in which You are treated as a resident or other relevant jurisdiction concerning the Content, Your website, online activities, electronic communications and use of Services, Site.

    In addition to the Agreement, ICANN’s rules, procedures and regulations, the use of Site and Services is also governed by a number of policies and regulations, links to which are posted on Site:

    1. Master Service Agreement
    2. Privacy policy
    3. General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR
    4. Domain deletion and auto renewal policy
    5. Cancelation policy
    6. Claim Consideration Policy
    7. Acceptable use policy
    8. Domain Registration Reseller Agreement
    9. Know Your Customer procedure
    10. Registrant rights and responsibilities

    Separate subsidiary procedures may be implemented and may relate to specific Services, will be valid and are binding on You if You use such Services.


    Except for disputes governed by the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy available here, the Agreement shall be governed by and construed following the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.


    AHNames may, in its sole discretion, amend the Agreement and other policies or regulations at any time.

    AHNames may (but is not obligated to) notify You of changes to the Agreement and is required to publish the Agreement as amended on Site. Accordingly, you undertake to periodically (but not less than once a month) review the materials on Site to identify and study updates to the Agreement.

    Any changes to the Agreement, policies, and regulations come into force and become binding on You from the date specified in the Agreement. If no date is specified, the changes will take effect immediately, and Your use of Services after such changes confirms Your acceptance of the updated terms of the Agreement and other policies and regulations. If You do not agree to accept the Agreement, policies, and regulations in an updated version, please do not use Site, Services or stop using them.


    AHNames may, in its sole motion and discretion, terminate (suspend, block or modify) Your access to Site and Services at any time with or without cause, with or without notice to You, with immediate effect. AHNames, in particular, may terminate (suspend, block or modify) Your access to Services (fully or partly) in the following cases:

    1. the need to correct any errors;
    2. handling complaints about the Content or complying with the requirements of the competent authorities or persons;
    3. failure to respond to your complaint (as the domain name owner) within the term established by AHNames;
    4. late payments or violation of the terms of the Agreement by You;
    5. Your behavior causes or may cause damage to AHNames, other Users or third parties;
    6. Your actions or activity through Your website violates the applicable law of a particular jurisdiction (or is reasonably expected to violate).

    In such cases, AHNames is not obligated to refund payments to You (if such were paid in advance), and You are obliged to pay all costs, penalties and expenses before terminating access to Services.

    If You wish to terminate the Agreement for any reason, You shall stop using Site or Services. If You want to delete Your account - contact the address. All terms of the Agreement, which by their legal nature should survive termination of the Agreement, shall survive termination of the Agreement, including, but not limited to, the limitations of liability and warranties. 

    Upon termination of Services for any reason, the Content, website and other information will be deleted. You are solely responsible for maintaining backup copies of all Content, Your websites, and information. AHNames is not responsible for the consequences of deletion and failure to save backups.


    Neither You nor AHNames shall be liable for any breach of the Agreement if such a breach occurred as a result of circumstances that could not be foreseen or eliminated by reasonable means, namely: natural disasters, man-made disasters, war, terrorism, armed conflict, strikes, epidemics, special economic sanctions, adoption/amendments to regulations that significantly affect the possibility of implementing the Agreement. The Parties to the Agreement shall notify each other of the occurrence of such circumstances as soon as possible. If such circumstances affect You for more than 30 days, then AHNames has the right to stop providing Services immediately. 


    The English version of the Agreement shall prevail. The Russian version of the rules is created for informational purposes. In case of discrepancies between the version of the Agreement in English and other languages, the English text shall take precedence. 

    Contact information. If You have any questions about this Agreement, please contact us at abuse@ahnames.com or the following address: Lierseschans 12 Unit 2A1 3432 ET Nieuwegein, Netherlands.

    You undertake to carry out or organize continuous monitoring (at least once every 12 hours) of incoming messages (including monitoring of all folders, the SPAM section) to the email address you specified as a contact to receive notifications from AHNames in a timely manner. If it becomes impossible for You to receive messages from AHNames to the specified email address due to reasons beyond Your control, then You undertake to immediately (but not later than 6 hours) make changes to Your account data, updating information about the current email address.

    You alone bear the risks and responsibility for the consequences if You do not read or do not read the messages from AHNames in time for any reason.

    If AHNames sets a deadline for You to perform specific actions, then such a term is considered from the moment the letter is sent to the email address You specified and cannot be suspended or renewed due to Your untimely familiarization with the messages from AHNames.